Hey there, thinking about exploring a few more Things. Frivolous may not be the correct word to use considering these thoughts may require me to stop being silly, trifling and frivolous.
While exploring other library blogs (in some cases this has given me very interesting reading and often great enlightenment) Anyway, I had a small frivolous thought, what if I do some more Things, well I looked around and found the 43 Things.
I shall sleep on it! Upon day break when the black hairy beasty named Ambrose awakes and demands that I prepare his Eukanuba's for him. It is then I will consider if this moment is just a moment of frivolousness.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Sunday, December 2, 2007
My goodness I think I've reached the end, this has been an excruciating experience but also a fantastic one, challenging me to venture into the great unknown. I thought I would have plenty of time to get it all done. However, the last few days I have been frantic. I was determined to step out of my comfort zone when I registered. I'm so glad to reach 23 for I am(was) totally I. T. challenged this has made me rather hesitant to continue. I have had terrific support from Lorrie to get me started and then of course my Obi One has been so patient when the directions I endeavoured to follow didn't quite happen or I forgot some obvious step. I have really enjoyed learning all these new Things. I have rushed along a bit to get it all finished. I now have this Mad blog full of 23 things to refer back to and hopefully consolidate my new skills. I am very interested in using RSS feeds, I love the Library Thing that's fantastic, Wiki's are wonderful what a brilliant tool for the workplace. I have gained confidence throughout this learning experience, I am far more prepared to jump in and be bold. Does this mean I need to do 43 Things what a scary thought. Obi One will require a diamond encrusted mouse for sure. This has been a great initiative to learn about web 2.0 technology. A lot of the 2.0 tools were terrific fun to play with while learning at the same time. It is very important for library professionals to continue to grow and adapt to new ways of storing, accessing and sharing all sorts of information. This Learning 2.0 project has been very practical and enlightening. I am grateful I was able to participate. Thankyou.
So upset I just managed to delete two posts accidently my Farandole library post, discussing my libraries name and my Far Out post about Rollyo. So can someone tell me how I get them back. Um, yeah sure!
So upset I just managed to delete two posts accidently my Farandole library post, discussing my libraries name and my Far Out post about Rollyo. So can someone tell me how I get them back. Um, yeah sure!
Forget Pages
The World eBook Fair site is just amazing this eBook consortia is the world's largest digital archive of more than 500,000 PDF eBooks and eDocuments. Once a member you have access to the complete collection which is constantly growing. By early 2008 it is estimated to reach 600,000 eBooks and eDocuments. It was founded in 1996. An amazing initiative on a global scale, there mission is to serve the public by providing free public access and an enhanced membership section to the world's most complete collection of electronic texts, books and documents on-line. I am totally amazed I just don't get out enough, into the online world that is. I will look into this in the future. I have added a link, check Futuristic Finks
Flikr, Flikr, world full of wonder so exciting to see
Exploring a site from the Web 2.0 awards list. I just love Flikr it enables you to add your photos, store, share, organize and get updates from family and friends. A lot of my friends have their family albums on Flikr. I got to see overseas wedding photos that I normally would not of had access to. While doing 2.0 I found photos of my husband working in the Port of Melbourne, that's great because you tend not to bother to take photos at work. The guys Chris & Steve (see below) who took them must of been on a berthed cruise ship and they are fantastic images. So for me I think Flikr is great.
We call it Flikr, Flikr, faster than lightning, all the photos you'll see, so stupendous to see, And we know Flikr, creates a world full of wonder, right there online, for you and for me.
We call it Flikr, Flikr, faster than lightning, all the photos you'll see, so stupendous to see, And we know Flikr, creates a world full of wonder, right there online, for you and for me.
I checked with Obi and she helped me to successfully complete the Zoho exercise. I was doing it correctly but just needed to edit out some of the URL, anyway all finished now. I was pleased because it appears (amazing I know) I was doing it right. I got this great comment from Zoho, that's so nice, seems I have friends in Zoho. It was actually my fault I lost my document, I clicked a little to speedy, getting Zohozealous in my ramblings about George. You can check on the comments in the last post but hey I'm able to add it here. Big Brothers Watching.
Just because I can.
arvind said...
Obadiah: My sincere apologies for the bad experience you had with Zoho. Do mail us your Zoho user ID and the name of the document which you lost to feedback(at)zohowriter.com. We will sure look into what might have gone wrong and try our best in retrieving your lost data.Sorry once again for the inconvenience caused.
Just because I can.
arvind said...
Obadiah: My sincere apologies for the bad experience you had with Zoho. Do mail us your Zoho user ID and the name of the document which you lost to feedback(at)zohowriter.com. We will sure look into what might have gone wrong and try our best in retrieving your lost data.Sorry once again for the inconvenience caused.
Frazzled Zoho
Well, back to number 18 Zoho Oh No. I just spent 30 minutes manipulating a rather insignificant staff meeting flyer into the most elaborate special meeting flyer. I mean the place was somewhere expensive, beach views, a balcony of course. I had covered all requirements: Limitless Gold Visa, Car of Choice, not to mention the 24ct gold laptop with diamond encrusted mouse all courtesy from the main presenter George. You would then become great friends and would holiday at a Tuscan Villa with many other beautiful people each year. He, of course would be charming and you would have interesting intelligent conversations with moments of pure fun. You would teach him Library 2.0. He would always open doors for you. Do not scoff that's very important. It was all set Obi One. I tried to save it and post it on my blog then it happened I lost it. Like waves against the rocks all hope was dashed and that special meeting with George forever lost. Fragmentation was certainly the correct heading for the link. I think it's time to sleep, perhaps I'll dream of George. Zoho was a no go, George a no show. I shall try again, just stop for a moment and consider the possibility of (should I say it) a sequel.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Fido Fodcasts
Okay, I'm up to number 21 but I overlooked number 18 so I will have to venture back there in the next post. Sorry about that. Podcasts are interesting, a new word for the Dictionary meaning "word of the year" and you don't have to wait forever while they load. I like that. So I found one and added it to my Bloglines.
Just because I can.
Just because I can.

For You Tube
I understand the process cut and paste the embeddable player, got fed up waiting for it to upload there must be a quicker way. When I went to You Tube Share I kept getting email error so I was doing something wrong there. So I haven't managed to add a You Tube to my blog, I have added a Film Fink to my You Tube I will try again later.
Learning 2.0 SandBox Wiki just isn't happening. I have done the right thing evidently, checked with Obi, something wrong in the SandBox perhaps Jaspers been in there. I shall move on running out of time. Later that day after 2 conversations with Obi and serious help, the instructions I followed [ ] brackets were not needed. Confusion over. Thanks Obi. SandBox now happening.
Wiki's are easy to use and flexible, My immediate application would be to use them for idea generating. The flexible nature of a Wiki allows all staff to be involved in adding ideas, opinions etc. Fantastic when you have a lot of part time or casual staff and it is difficult to all get together. A Wiki allows you to think through ideas, gather your thoughts and respond in a thoughtful manner rather than perhaps a reactive manner. A great negotiating or project planning tool. Some drawbacks would be vandalism, too open, no control. However, very flexible, easy to use, everyone can be involved. Looking forward to investigating in depth in the future. No. 16 I think I can.
Fellowship versus Fradition
Library 2.0. Well, I'm wondering where I've been! Busy serving library customers, while out there all this is happening. 2.0 will require major change in libraries and it appears not to be optional. Children will always want to go to story time, it may be computer generated and accessed at home via the library website. However, I am comforted by the fact that people will always want to hold a book and turn the crisp clean pages, (they will, won't they, Um).
2.0 is revolutionary and libraries are going to have many challenges in the future. Just the budget alone, books versus software. Considering what Jasper's been up to the past weeks, withdrawing books in copious quantities. Some in mint condition having only been borrowed once or twice, then sitting on the shelf for the past 10 years. Software purchasing is looking rather appealing right now! (it ain't heavy ). A mindset shift from many library traditions will have to take place. I think it is very exciting to consider this greater communication that is possible and the sharing of resources that will take place between organizations, libraries and borrowers in the future. I just hope I can get my crawl to a walk before then.
2.0 is revolutionary and libraries are going to have many challenges in the future. Just the budget alone, books versus software. Considering what Jasper's been up to the past weeks, withdrawing books in copious quantities. Some in mint condition having only been borrowed once or twice, then sitting on the shelf for the past 10 years. Software purchasing is looking rather appealing right now! (it ain't heavy ). A mindset shift from many library traditions will have to take place. I think it is very exciting to consider this greater communication that is possible and the sharing of resources that will take place between organizations, libraries and borrowers in the future. I just hope I can get my crawl to a walk before then.
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